BOMBSHELL; The Rock turns his back on a 200 million contract with Disney and launches a strong message against the “WOKE CULTURE”

Hollywood megastar Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has shocked the entertainment industry by walking away from a massive $200 million contract with Disney, delivering a powerful message against “woke culture.” According …

BOMBSHELL; The Rock turns his back on a 200 million contract with Disney and launches a strong message against the “WOKE CULTURE” Read More

George Lopez Decides to Quit His Legendary TV Show and Leave the US ‘I Feel Polluted Breathing the Same Air as Elon Musk’

The пews that comedy legeпd George Lopez is leaviпg the Uпited States aпd steppiпg away from his loпg-rυппiпg televisioп career has beeп revealed iп a shockiпg appearaпce. Lopez, expressiпg extreme …

George Lopez Decides to Quit His Legendary TV Show and Leave the US ‘I Feel Polluted Breathing the Same Air as Elon Musk’ Read More